National Education Alliance and Texas AandM
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Texas A&M University Commerce

Texas A&M University

Are You Ready To Lead The Next Generation Of Learning?

The Texas A&M Online Master of Science in Global eLearning equips specialists in education for practice in public education, private education, business, industry, and non-profit organizations. Learning and technology are intertwined as we develop the next generation of enhanced training, development, and teaching to engage learners with key components of instructional technology. Technology provides access to all forms of education and this program will teach educators how to implement technology across curricula and classrooms of all kinds. With a blend of theory and technical skills, this program will prepare teachers and corporate trainers alike.

National Education Alliance Members receive the following benefit with Texas A&M University

  • 10% discount off the standard tuition rates for each term of the Master of Science in Global eLearning (MGEL) program


You can save time and money


     Master of Science in Global eLearning (MGEL) program

  • The National Education Alliance test preparation products prepare you to test out of certain Texas A&M undergraduate courses, reducing the time and cost to earn your degree.  Using test preparation materials and testing out of courses, you can save thousands of

    NEA Alliance Ways to Help

    The NEA Alliance relies on membership from supporters and website visitors like yourself who value high end continuing education for all of our members. Signing up for membership is easy. We have setup a secure credit card processor page and you can signup online easy for a small $19.99 annual membership fee.

    . dollars.   

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