National Education Alliance and Nevada Fire Chiefs Association
Untitled Document
Nevada Fire Chiefs Association

Nevada Fire Chiefs Association

The mission of the Nevada Fire Chiefs Association is to promote and support the fire service of Nevada.


Nevada Fire Chiefs Association Key Goals

  • To enhance the fire service by providing training in fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency medical services, leadership training and haz-mat. 
  • To enhance communication within the fire service 
  • To conduct the business of the association and to address pertinent issues related to the fire service.
  • To promote public awareness of the fire service
  • Develop position statements and address issues impacting the fire service
  • Foster a professional and personal relationship among fire service personnel


NEA Alliance Ways to Help

The NEA Alliance relies on membership from supporters and website visitors like yourself who value high end continuing education for all of our members. Signing up for membership is easy. We have setup a secure credit card processor page and you can signup online easy for a small $19.99 annual membership fee.
